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Data Theft
Data Piracy is real, and it costs everyone.
Don't be a data pirate.
When people steal our data and use it without paying for it, it not only impacts our company, it impacts our pricing, which impacts our customers. But that's not all that affects you. Data thieves are empowered to steal opportunities from our paying customers, often times because they can be more competitive with their pricing, given that their costs are so much lower (due to the fact that they are stealing data, not paying for it). The irony is that those who steal data count on companies like yours to pay for the data so that companies like ours can continue to produce it at such a high level. If nobody paid for data, we couldn't afford to spend thousands and thousands of hours and millions of dollars gathering and verifying it. So data thieves need lawful customers like you to ensure that they have a high quality product to steal. Data theft is, of course, illegal. A person who steals, or assists another in stealing, MNI data is liable to MNI for damages and can be subject to fines or imprisonment. That's serious.
As a customer, you can help us fight piracy. That means, unless specifically agreed to or consented to by MNI, you MAY NOT:
• Share your IndustrySelect login credentials
• Share any data or information downloaded or printed from IndustrySelect
• Develop a means of accessing IndustrySelect by anyone who is not a licensed user
• Use MNI data for any company that is not an MNI customer
• Use MNI data in any commercial product or service
• Continue to use MNI data after your license is terminated or expires
• Use IndustrySelect or MNI data in any other way that violates our license agreements
If you are not a current MNI customer with a valid license, you MAY NOT:
• Ask an IndustrySelect paying subscriber to provide login credentials or other means of accessing paid subscriptions
• Request or knowingly receive MNI data from anyone
• Use MNI data for any purpose
• Knowingly allow another person to use MNI data for your commercial benefit
Violating these restrictions can constitute one or more of the following: copyright infringement, misappropriation, unjust enrichment, breach of contract, and other torts or crimes.
MNI deploys the use of hidden seed records and other technologies to detect all unauthorized usage of its data. For full information, please read MNI's Copyright Statement.
If you learn about theft or unauthorized use of MNI data, please let us know. We will keep all information about you confidential and will not disclose your information unless required by law. Validated reports of data theft will be rewarded.
Contact us to report data theft:
Attention: Legal
1633 Central Street
Evanston, IL 60201
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