Leading New Jersey Industries by Employment:
21% Chemicals and allied products 11% Food and kindred products 10% Printing and publishing 9% Electronic and other electric equipment 8% Instruments and related products
Largest New Jersey Manufacturers by Employees:
Lockheed Martin Corp. (Moorestown) - 4,500 Merck & Co., Inc. (Rahway) - 4,200 Alcatel-Lucent (Murray Hill) - 4,000 Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. (East Hanover) - 3,700 Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (Roseland) - 3,000
New Jersey Counties with the Most Manufacturing Jobs:
Bergen - 61,802 Middlesex - 48,905 Morris - 42,872 Union - 36,800 Somerset - 31,648
New Jersey Cities with the Most Manufacturing Jobs:
Newark - 9,376 Somerset - 8,053 Moorestown - 7,565 Jersey City - 7,469 Pennsauken - 7,403