Leading Alaska Industries by Employment:
56% Food and kindred products 16% Petroleum and coal products 6% Printing and publishing 5% Industrial machinery and equipment 4% Fabricated metal products
Largest Alaska Manufacturers by Employees:
BP Exploration Alaska (Anchorage) - 6,000 CH2M (Anchorage) - 3,000 ASRC Energy Services, Inc. (Anchorage) - 2,500 UniSea, Inc. (Dutch Harbor) - 1,300 Trident Seafoods Corp. (Akutan) - 1,050
Alaska Counties with the Most Manufacturing Jobs:
Anchorage - 23,827 Aleutian Islands - 2,777 Kenai Peninsula - 2,436 Fairbanks North Star - 2,310 Kodiak Island - 1,539
Alaska Cities with the Most Manufacturing Jobs:
Anchorage - 23,587 Dutch Harbor - 2,165 Fairbanks - 2,161 Kodiak - 1,539 Juneau - 1,533