Advertising & Marketing Executives in U.S. Manufacturing Database
The Advertising & Marketing Executives Database profiles 27,105 advertising & marketing executives at 24,938 U.S. manufacturing companies (plus an additional 78,070 other contacts at these locations).
Includes executives with titles such as Marketing Manager, Vice President (VP) of Marketing, Director of Marketing, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Marketing Coordinator, Advertising Manager, Director of Advertising.
Each company profile contains up to 40 data points.
The Advertising & Marketing Executives Database is available as an IndustrySelect online subscription for your PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone.
Data is researched by MNI to ensure the highest level of accuracy.
It's industry's leading business profile data for sales, marketing, recruiting, and research.
Advertising & Marketing Executives Database* |
Companies: 24,938 |
Executives: 27,105 |
Basic Version |
$608 / Year |
Basic+ Version |
$1,186 / Year |
Pro Version |
$1,739 / Year |
Pro+ Version |
$3,391 / Year |
View Features & Compare Versions |
*Available as an IndustrySelect online subscription with live 24/7 access from any PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone. Number of companies and executives may fluctuate over the course of your subscription based on current data. The one-time annual cost includes 12-month single-user access to the data. Additional users may be added at a discounted rate. Subscriptions do not auto-renew. Usage subject to terms & restrictions. View features & compare versions or sign up for a free demo.
Our database subscriptions are all-inclusive. No credits, tokens, or other "pay per" type fees. What you see is what you pay.